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Active Dosage
100 Tablets x 10mg.
Anabolic Steroid
Half Life
9 hours
Men 20-50 mg/day
Water Retention
Name: Stanozolol
Molecular Structure:
Molecular Weight: 328.5
(also known as winstrol) is a 17-alpha-alkylated derivative of
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with low androgenic qualities yet highly
anabolic. It was first developed in 1962 by American global
pharmaceutical company Sterling-Winthrop Laboratories to increase
lymphocyte count and CD8+ cell numbers, but to decrease CD4+ and CD3+
in postmenopausal women using it for osteoporosis. This effect would
plausibly be useful for treatment of autoimmune disorders. Winstrol
is useful in treatment of hereditary angioedema. It also influences
some immunological processes.
stanozolol is produced for sale in two forms: tablets and injections.
Stanozolol is the second most widely used oral steroid, succeeded in
popularity only by methandienone. Stanozolol tablets have a short
life time (about 9 hours) as compared against injectable stanozolol.
The injectable version of stanozolol differs from other injectable
anabolic steroids in being an aqueous suspension of fine particles of
steroid, instead of being an oil solution of an esterified compound.
For this reason, it has unusual pharmacokinetics which do not follow
the classic half-life pattern. Instead, there is a sustained effect
which slowly tapers. The duration of action is probably at least a
week. Individual particles of stanozolol may remain at the injection
site for extended periods of time. However, Pharmacom Labs managed to
create an oil-based version of stanozolol, which can be mixed with
all other oil and has no flaws of the suspension. All three forms are
characterized by good bioavailability.
stanozolol is a DHT based compound, its activity is much milder than
this androgen in nature. As DHT derivative Stanozolol can`t convert
into estradiol, hence aromatase inhibitors are not required when
taking this compound. As a result stanozolol does not cause water
retention. On the contrary, it possess a diuretic effect. So, instead
of bulk look winstrol produces a lean, quality look without excess
subcutaneous water retention. This makes it an excellent steroid to
use throughout cutting cycles, when getting rid of superfluous water
and fat as well as strongly defined, hard looking muscularity are a
major goal. Due to its features stanozolol is highly regarded among
athletes of strength/speed sports like track and field.
for bodybuilders, stanozolol has one interesting peculiarity demanded
among them. It consists in the profound ability to lower sex
hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) level resulting in efficiency growing
of other steroids in stack with it. In particular, it raises the
amount of biologically active free testosterone circulating in the
blood. For this reason it is advisable always to use stanozolol in
stack with testosterone. Another one reason for this is as follows:
winstrol may be more prone than other anabolic steroids to increasing
tendon brittleness. This happens due to winstrol`s possibility to dry
out the joint fluid, which can lead to joint pain and damages. Also
both stanozolol forms: tablets and injections have been noted to
provoke adverse changes in cholesterol levels. Hence, monitoring of
the lipid profile of the body (blood works) during cycle is
summarize, stanozolol is generally recommended for athletes having
sufficient muscle bulk, but wishing to improve endurance and increase
muscle relief and hardness.