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Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide
Active Dosage
10 x 10iu
Half Life
2 hours
250-750 mcg. / day
Water Retention
iPamorelin is very similar to GHRP-6 in that it increases ghrelin and targets a specific GH pulse. However, unlike GHRP-6 there doesn’t appear to be an increase in hunger that often exists with GHRP-6. More importantly, there is no impact on cortisol and only on plasma Growth Hormone (GH) levels. Unlike many other GH peptides such as Hexarelin, there doesn’t appear to be a strong breach of desensitization. This means there is no point where a dose doesn’t improve natural GH secretion.
Along with powerful GH releasing abilities, iPamorelin is also one of the longest lasting GH peptides available. The release of the hormone (GH) isn’t an instant spike followed by a rapid falloff point but instead a slow steady release that is more natural to the body.
Effects of iPamorelin
The effects of iPamorelin are simple, to increase natural GH production in the body. It is the increase in GH production that produces the positive benefits and effects the athlete might be after. Increased levels of GH will improve the metabolism thereby giving the individual a greater ability to burn fat or maintain a suitable fat level when trying to grow. More importantly, elevated GH levels, especially stable elevated GH levels help with recovery perhaps more than anything else. Whether we are bulking or cutting it is in the recovery stage that we improve. Recovery helps us build new lean tissue and it helps protect our existing lean tissue.
Most iPamorelin users should also find sleep is deeper and more efficient. Many users report a better mood, which is probably due to the fact that they’re getting more out of their rest. And as with anything that increases GH levels in the body we have the anti-aging benefits. GH affects nearly all parts of the body from muscle to the skeletal structure, nervous system, skin and even hair. GH has often been called the fountain of youth hormone, and it’s not hard to understand why. When we reach our 30’s our natural GH production rapidly declines and continues to decline, and as a result we begin to age. If GH levels remain elevated, while we can’t prevent aging we can slow the effects down.
Important note: iPamorelin will not give as big of a boost in GH levels as HGH. However, HGH is extremely expensive, often hard to get and often counterfeited. iPamorelin, while not as effective as HGH is still better than no increase in GH levels and is one of the best GHRP options available today.